_____________________Monday, April 09, 2007__________________

Dear brothers and sisters,

Its the last week of the term, how are u guys coping with the exams? Preparation so far so good? aniwaiz, besides thinking about our exam, lets not forget about our Mongolian ministry and try to sell the cards(though i haven't been doing a good job in that either). add oil for God's kingdom.

And thanks so much for our event last week. Chocolate fondue!thanks Shu yi for the fabulous idea. as for tonight's Narnia movie event, lets keep it in prayer as well =)


Location: Northern Asia
Population: 2662020
Literacy rate: 87%
Capital: Ulaanbaatar
Income per person: US$390 p.a
Official Language: Khalkha Mongol
Other Languages: 12 in total
2 Biblical translations

Major religions: Non-religious/ Atheism (41.6%)
Shamanist (31.2%)
Buddhist (22.5%)

**Freedom of religion exists in MOngolia through the constitution; Lamaistic Buddhism has since seen a resurgence

Prayer Points:

-Buddhism and Shamanism have been on the increase since the fall of Communism; many ancient spiritual practices are gaining popularity again. Pray that the Mongolian people would search for the Truth of the gospel of Christ

-The Church in Mongolia is relatively new and lacks trained leadership; pray for disciples and teachers among them

-The weak national structure of Mongolia often makes ministry planning difficult with poor travel and communication; pray for an increase of resources.

-adpoted from " A Billion wait..."

Let's pray for this country this week. Amen!

kAyAn shined at 8:01 PM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Monday, April 02, 2007__________________

Dear ECFers,

Hello, sorry for not posting last week. Anyway, heard about the Tsunami at Soloman Islands? Found a little website on Praying for Soloman Islands, and lets bow our heads down for this place this week.


The UK established a protectorate over the Solomon Islands in the 1890s. Some of the bitterest fighting of World War II occurred on these islands. Self-government was achieved in 1976 and independence two years later. Ethnic violence, government malfeasance, and endemic crime have undermined stability and civil society. In June 2003, Prime Minister Sir Allen KEMAKEZA sought the assistance of Australia in reestablishing law and order; the following month, an Australian-led multinational force arrived to restore peace and disarm ethnic militias. The Regional Assistance Mission to the Solomon Islands (RAMSI) has been very effective in restoring law and order and rebuilding government institutions.

Church of Melanesia 32.8%,
Roman Catholic 19%,
South Seas Evangelical 17%,
Seventh-Day Adventist 11.2%
United Church 10.3%
Christian Fellowship Church 2.4%
other Christian 4.4%, other 2.4%
unspecified 0.3%
none 0.2% (1999 census)

Prayer request

-Unreached peoples. The land has been so exposed to the gospel that only pockets of resistant animists on Guadalcanal and Malaita hold out against the gospel. Yet the continued influence of syncretistic or almost pagan ‘cargo cults’, which have prompted an exodus from churches in the past, shows the need for a personal appropriation of the gospel by each generation.

-Christian support ministries for prayer:

a) Bible translation.
National believers are taking the initiative, and this long-underestimated ministry is now receiving the attention it deserves. Pray for the 17 translation projects by UBS and SIL (20 workers); 20 more languages may still need to be tackled. The major need is for the completion of the Bible in Pidgin (the trade language). Only 10 of the 66 languages have the New Testament.

b) The JESUS film
has been viewed by over half the population in English. Two local language editions are in preparation.

c) GRN
has gospel messages available in 85 languages and dialects — a good resource in a nation with so many small language groups.

d) Christian hospitals
are significant for the country. The Solomons have one of the highest incidences of malaria in the world.

Lets also pray hard for our Chocolate Fondue event on for Wednesday. God Bless.

kAyAn shined at 12:18 PM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Monday, March 12, 2007__________________

Dear ECFers,

thanks so much for the Birthday celebration. it was real cool. first party and first cake into my 21st birthday. thanks so much. love ya guys!!! Thank God for bringing us together.

As we know the Southeast Asian night in NUS is coming up next week, we shall be praying for countries in the SEAsia this 2 weeks.


Population: 5433036

Literacy rate: 57%

Income per Person: US$400 p.a.

Official Language: Lao

Other Languages: 92 in total
10 Biblical Translations
8 with NT

Major Religions: Buddhist (61%)
Traditional Ethnic (31.2%)
Non- Religious (4.2%)
Christian (1.8%)

**Communists persecution of Christians has been lifted since the 1970's, but churches continue to be watched and evangelism is restricted.

Spiritual Focal Points:

-Wat Phu (Champasak) --> ancient royal location of human sacrifice and continued animal

-Phra That Lung (Vientiane) --> Most important Buddhist monument in Laos

-Pak Ou Caves (Luang Prabang) --> Ancient pilgrimage site

-Buddhist Institute (Vientiane) --> Key regional organization purporting Buddhism

Prayer Points:

-The government of Laos strongly controls all propaganda; Buddhism and socialism have closed ties to nationalism in Laoz. Pray that freedom would be known throughout the nation.

-Foreign missionaries are refused access to the country; pray for open doors and open hearts to receive God's people

-The Hmong people are persecuted for cooperating with the U.S. government during the Vietnam War; Pray for the discrimination to cease

-Christian education of any kind is unlawful in Laos; pray for openness and creativity in the church

Dear brothers and sister, although many times we may not be able to go to these countries on our own, we know that our God has the greatest power. He listens to our deepest prayers...Have a great week ahead! =)

kAyAn shined at 11:10 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Tuesday, March 06, 2007__________________

Photos galore...

Is anyone missing a strawberry cheescake? (Oh and don't forget to pay Tingyu...)

Someone's delighted at the sight of the cake... BUT FIRST...

...some torture before you get to make a wish! (Hope you didn't waste it by wishing to escape...haha!)

Let's have a CG photo before commencing our bible study! (Auto-timer rocks!)

Individual profiles of some of our members: First, we have Ian, our CG leader...

...and "act-cute" Tingyu (joking!)...

...Joshua, our video guy...

...and a pretty pose from Sopphia!

Let's start off with some Worship & Praise...okay, must practice first. Heh.

Then let's study the book of John...

Bible study = FUN!!??

Our 2 pretty birthday gals: Shuyi (16th Feb) and Kayan (6th Mar)

Thou shalt love thy sister as thyself... Thou shalt not murder!!??

Eusoff Christian Fellowship 06/07

Eusoff Christian Fellowship shined at 8:28 PM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Monday, March 05, 2007__________________

hi ECFers, yesterday was the last day of chinese new year. its also "yuan xiao jie", the chinese Valendines' day. hope you guys had a great time!

Here is my final posting on praying for chinese populated places.


Location: East Asia

Population: 1262556787

Literacy rate: 81.5%

Government: Communist state

Income per person: US$860 p.a.

Official Language: Mandarin Chinese

Other languages: 470 in total
13 Biblical translations
13 NT

Major religions: Non-religious/atheist: (49.6%)
Chinese (28.5%)

**The official religion of the communist state is atheism; all other religions are repressed and closely monitored

Prayer points:

- Buddhist missionaries in Taiwan and Japan activity supported the growth of Buddhism on the mainland, often using large monetary gifts to help reopen and expand the influence of temples and other pilgrimage sites. Pray for God to touch their hearts and to add His church daily

-Compared to Buddhism, Christianity usually is considered a "foreign religion" by Chinese; pray that Chinese believers can show how their faith encourages the best in traditional culture (family, social harmony etc)

-The secret police of the Communist government continue to pose a threat to the HOuse churhc movement, raiding and informing. Pray for boldness, protection and safety of the church

-The educational system in China supports the atheistic viewpoints of the government, leaving the Children of the nationed misinformed. In addition, it is illegal to witness to anyone under the age of 18. Pray for open doors of ministry to the nation's children.

-The church has a great need for trained leaders among thier congregations. Pray for rapid multiplication of strong godly leaders.

This is all for China. Lets reach out to our friends here in Hall as well..... =)

kAyAn shined at 11:39 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Thursday, March 01, 2007__________________


Location: East Asia

Population: 22,401,000

Literacy rate: 94%

Official Language: Mandarin

Incomer per person: US $13.900 p.a.

Major religions: Chinese (43.2%)
Non-Religious (25.3%)
Buddhists (25%)
Christians (6%)

Spiritual focal points
When Buddhism reached China in the 1st Century AD, it mixed with other Chinese Philosophies such as COnfucianism and Taosm. The Majority of Taiwan's grassroots people, perhaps 70% of its 22M population are believers in Chinese folk religions, but will call themselves Buddhists. Folk religion, which mixes ancestor worship in teh home, offerings to ghosts, temple worship and the use of spiritual mediums, is behind most of teh significant festivals in Taiwan. This syncretism makes it hard to define who is a true Buddhist in Taiwan. Without doubt, Buddhism is growing in Taiwan and Taiwan Buddhist organizations are playing a significant role in the promotion of Buddhism worldwide. Taiwan is the only Asian country where ordination of women as Buddhist nuns is fully accepted and as a result women play a prominent role in Taiwan's Buddhism.

Prayer points:

-Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism continue to dominate and influence the Taiwanese people. Pray for a desire to know the Truth and grace of God's love

-The Mormons and the True Jesus church cults have gained popularity. Pray that the eyes of those involved would be opened to the deception

-The Church of Taiwan contines to lack internal resources, including pastors and lay leaders. Pray that hese needs would be met.

~from "A Billion Wait"

kAyAn shined at 11:36 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Tuesday, February 27, 2007__________________

7pm, Sat 10 Mar 2007, The Pavilion, Far East Square
Organised by RAYS Ministry (Young Adults Ministry) from Covenant Evangelical Free Church.

Contact: Julian 98476552 or Janie 92313362
Email: rayscefc@gmail.com

Soul2Soul is a band of ForeRuner (Campus Crusade for Christ). To find out more, please visit http://www.forerunner.org.sg/soul2soul

Dearest brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. It has been a while since I last posted a blog entry.

Here's some information on this band, "Soul2Soul". Attended the band's performance when it was organised by NUS Campus Crusade for Christ during the valentine's day season. It is an evangelistic event. The lead singer shares her testimony of her personal journey with God and she sings secular songs that appropriately describes different parts of her testimony. It was very ministering and I enjoyed myself very much. In particular, I enjoyed watching the mastery of the female drummer who has a great control of the drum sets and various drum mallets and sticks.

For those band fanatics, I recommend you to go and listen and be ministered. The band covers a wide genre of music for this evangelistic event. Encourage you all to bring your pre-beliving friends to this event as God breathes His words to them through songs and sharing from the singer.
We may even consider planning a CF outing and invite non-christian friends to join us. Sounds great! We could fellowship with them in the most non threatening environment. hee..

In Him,
Sister Faith SY

Anonymous shined at 8:51 PM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

About Us

Eusoff Christian Fellowship is an affliation of NUS Varsity Christian Fellowship (VCF) that reaches out to both believers and non-believers residing in Eusoff Hall.

We warmly welcome you to join us for a time of worship, dedication and fellowship every Monday, 9.00 p.m. @ the Blue Oyster.

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."


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Now Playing

God of Wonders by Third Day


CG Leader: Tingyu
Members: Ian, Shuyi, Manyan, Michelle, Mel, Sopphia, Esther, Yaohui, Qiao Zhi, Chee Eng, Amos, Ben


Fellowship Teaching 2
Speaker: Dr. Bobby Sng
Topic: Student Ministry and Its Value
Available for download: Sound record in two parts
-Part 1-
-Part 2-

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