_____________________Tuesday, November 28, 2006__________________

FES Library and bookstore Jumble sale!!!!!!

Good books are going as low as $1!!!

30th Nov (Thur) 10am-6pm

1st Dec (Fri) 10am-6pm

2nd Dec (Sat) 10am to 4pm

FES Centre
496 Upper Bukit Timah Road

Tel: 63144878

kAyAn shined at 9:20 PM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

Hello. For this week, my fellowship in church is praying for a missionary in Philippines. thought it will be good to find out a little more about the situation in Philippines. So shall we pray for Philippines this week? *^_^*

Although the various people groups that live in the Philippines have similar cultures, there are many small language groups. These are scattered primarily on the islands of Luzon and Mindanao, and are primarily tribal in nature. For the most part, they have remained isolated from modernization and still live a lifestyle based on survival.

Capital: Manila
Population: 75966500
Income per person: US$1200 p.a.
Official language: Filipino, English

Other languages: 169 in total
with 8 Biblical translations
52 NT

Major religions: Catholic/Christian (93.2%)
Muslim (5%)
Non-Religious/others (1.1%)
Buddhist/Chinese (0.1%)

*The Filipino people enjoy freedom of religion; the Catholic church is sclosely linked with the government.

Prayer points:

-Ask the Lord to raise up qualified linguists to complete the translation of the Bible into all national dialects

-Ask God to raise up prayer teams who will begin breaking up the soil through worship and intercession

-Pray that God will give the Filipino belivers boldness to share Christ across cultural and ethnic boundaries effectively

-Pray that God reveal Himself to all Filipinos through dreams and visions

-Ask the Lord to end the violence caused by terrorists operating throughout the country, and reveal Himself as the only One who can meet all their needs and be the Peace they are looking for.

Lets continue praying together for Philippines! =)

kAyAn shined at 10:07 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Tuesday, November 21, 2006__________________

sorry for posting this a day late. coz blogspot had some problem yesterday morning.

Wondering how we can pray for missionaries???

Just happened to chance upon a passage from Colossians 1:9-14 while having QT yesterday. the passage is rather long, so i will just do a little summary of the points..

Pray for them to

(1) Understand God's will

(2) Gain wisdom and spiritual understanding

(3) Please and honor God

(4) Bear good fruit

(5) know God better and better

(6) be filed with God's strength

(7) Have great patience

(8) Stay full of Christ's joy

(9) Always be thankful

-All believers have these same basic needs. When we don't know how to pray for someone, remember Paul's prayer for the Colossians. -

Have a blesses week ahead.

kAyAn shined at 6:42 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Wednesday, November 15, 2006__________________

hi hi!

we will be going down to the Doulos tomorrow morning. meet at Kent Ridge bus terminal at 10am. for those who are interested, do give me a call or send me an sms at 81276011 k? its really a rare chance that we can visit this gospel ship =) cyaz

kAyAn shined at 10:03 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Monday, November 13, 2006__________________

haha, just chose to pray for Sri Lanka this week, coz i was watching the G.R.A.S.S video and thought Nips's performance was really cute..(and he is from Sri Lanka)...

Sri Lanka

Location: South Asia
Population: 18827054
Capital: Colombo
Income per person: US $800 p.a.

Official language: Sinhala, Tamil

Other languages: 7 total, with 3 Bible translations

Literacy rate: 90%

Major religions: Buddhist (71.9%)
Hindu ( 12 %)
Muslim (8%)
Christian (7.6%)

*The state religion of Buddhism is promoted among the people. Christianity perceived as a foreign imposition

Spiritual focal Points:

-Anaradhapura -- Ancient centre of Buddha, site of sacred Bo tree

-Adam's Peak -- Major HIndu, Buddhist and Muslim pilgrimage site

-Kalaniya (Colombo) -- Key Buddhist temple located near the capital

-Temple of the Tooth (Kandy) -- Location of the sacred tooth relic of Buddha

Prayer points:

-of the 36 thousand villages in Sri Lanka, just a few have churches or witnesses; few of the urban slums have heard the gospel. Pray for laborers in this field

-Religious freedom is limited for Christians, many are persecuted and a number of pastors have been attacked and a few killed. Pray for God's protection, boldness, and the minimizing of persecution

-Pray that recent progress of peace between battlung Sinhalese majority and Tamil separatist minorities will maintain and genuine reconcilation will be achieved through the Prince of Peace

-A Buddhist monk has been elected into parliament. An international Centre of Buddhism is being developed with Thailand and Burma to limit activities of Christian NGOs in the country

-The church pf Sri Lanka is understaffed and under-equippd; pray for an increase of resources, including leadership

-Praise God for an exciting new initiative by many different denominations to cooperate in bold nationwide church planting effort. Pray for continued vision, increased unity, creativity in entering tough areas, and widespread goal-ownership

kAyAn shined at 10:50 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Sunday, November 12, 2006__________________

Doulos is in Singapore from 10-19th November 2006 at the Promenade at VivoCity!!!
Grab this rare chance and go down to visit Operation Mobalisation(OM)'s 2nd ship, the world's largest floating book fair which brings the gospel around different places in the world.

opening dates and hours

Fri (10 Nov) 2-10pm

Mon- Sat 10am-10pm

Sun 11am-10pm

Entrance fee: Free

*Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult

(Guided tours)


Tours are limited to 7 people and will commence every 15 min

Tour hours: 11am-8pm

Cost: Adults $5
Children (6-12) $3

Tour information hotline 98997170

Special events for the public:

(1) 12 & 19 Nov Doulos open day 2-5pm
-Come and see the different cultures represented onbroad. Hear from the Doulos crew and learn about what they do on the ship!

(2) Professionals in mission (free admission with ticket) 14 Nov
-Are you a businessman, teacher...etc? God wants to use your professional skills to reach the nations for him. Space is limited.

(3) Woman to woman (Free admission with ticket) 16 Nov Thur 10-12pm
-What kind of women does God use, and how can He use you? Hear from some of the ladies onbroad as they share about how God uses ordinary woman. Be encouraged by God's plan for your life. Space is limited.

(4) get_a_life.com (free admission with ticket) 17 Nov Wed 7.30-9pm
-Attention All Young PEOPLE! its time to Get A Life! God has a plan and purpose for your life. Come and hear what God is doing around the world, and how He uses ordinary people to make an eternal impact. Space is limited.

(5) Next Step with OM (Free admission with ticket) 19 Nov Sun 7-8pm
-Explore some of the opportunities for personal involvement in mission with Operation Mobalisation and the Doulos. Come and see how you can be part of what God is doing in world missions today.

kAyAn shined at 12:23 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Tuesday, November 07, 2006__________________

Its our evangelistic stain-glass painting workshop 2nite. lets continue to pray and trust in our Father...
We shall pray for Singapore today. I guess most of us do have understanding about Singapore's background, let me give u a little detail...

Major religions:

-Chinese religions like Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism and Ancestor worship (51%)

-Muslim (14.9%)

-Non-religion (14.8%)

Christian (14.6%)

*Although Singapore offers a freedom of religion, legislation has been passed to limit public profession of religious beliefs

Prayer points:

-Pressure continues against the Christians of Singapore in the name of political unity. Pray that the true unity will be known as they know the love of God

-Pray for the evangelism, compassion ministries, feeding the poor, street evangelism, prayer walks, concerts, children evangelism, and other core ministries that are touching the hearts of the people

-Pray for the deliverance of those sadly enslaved by drug and alcohol addictions

-Pray for a breakthrough for the Singapore Church as they minister at home and abroad

-Idol worship is rampant throughout the country. Pray that Jesus will take the place of the current Buddhist influence.

kAyAn shined at 10:57 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

_____________________Wednesday, November 01, 2006__________________

A post from my blog:

Almost forgot what God had done for me...until I was reminded of it after a little chat with Shuyi over supper just now. I'll probably tell this story another day...but for now, a movie review! Excited? Hahas...

Left Behind: The Movie

I can't remember when I first watched it -- years ago when I was still a new Christian I think. I watched it again some years later and was equally, if not more, gripped and touched by it. It is a fictitious movie based on the to-be facts of the Rapture and the start of the Seven Years Tribulation. Watching the movie as a Christian is somewhat painful, for it just jolts you back to the reality of the Last Days. Don't be mistaken, our salvation is clear -- but you still can't help pondering on the horror of being 'left behind', can you? *Nervous laughter. (I couldn't stop laughing during the scene when the ex-pastor got left behind. Unbiblical, I know, that's why I laughed - the psychology behind why we laugh is to unconsciously tell ourselves that it is something that is not of threat to us, sort of like an alternative to the "fight or flight" mode.) Still, the plot reminds us to be ever watchful for the Second Coming, as the Bible tells us in Luke 21:36

"Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen, and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man."

Even so, the movie (part of a trilogy) is a must-watch for anyone. I loved how the movie weaved the plot with prophecies from the Scriptures. Think Dan Brown's bestseller The Da Vinci Code (a little note: Dan Brown claims that he is a Christian). If you are curious about the End of the Age, with all the talk and hype about it, the movie tells you the story from the Christian perspective. For some background, Jesus told us around 2,000 years ago about the signs of the End:

Then he said to them: "Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be great earthquakes, famines and pestilences in various places, and fearful events and signs from heaven." - Luke 21:10-11

For more prophecies, please visit this site:
http://www.xanga.com/MBCKL You might have to search the archives a bit, but not too far, since I saw the prophecies post only a few weeks ago. If you haven't noticed, I had also linked it under the "& Exits" section. (MBC=The Mailbox Club=Who gave me the Good News, which I received through the mailbox. Tell me about getting something ever so precious, in your mail. Thank you, MBC, for that which I am eternally grateful!)

Here's a trailer on the movie from youtube:

Now, thanks to YouTube, you could also watch the whole movie! BUahahaha... Just type in the keywords "Left Behind: The Movie" and voila! Leave your comments about the movie after you have watched it okay?

Mel shined at 2:25 AM

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Let our light shine before men...
that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven...

About Us

Eusoff Christian Fellowship is an affliation of NUS Varsity Christian Fellowship (VCF) that reaches out to both believers and non-believers residing in Eusoff Hall.

We warmly welcome you to join us for a time of worship, dedication and fellowship every Monday, 9.00 p.m. @ the Blue Oyster.

"You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."


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God of Wonders by Third Day


CG Leader: Tingyu
Members: Ian, Shuyi, Manyan, Michelle, Mel, Sopphia, Esther, Yaohui, Qiao Zhi, Chee Eng, Amos, Ben


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Speaker: Dr. Bobby Sng
Topic: Student Ministry and Its Value
Available for download: Sound record in two parts
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-Part 2-

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