_____________________Tuesday, December 19, 2006__________________
This is a combined fund raising effort of Eusoff Hall and Temasek Hall.
Please publicise and help to sell the cards. There are a total of 300 packs.
Each pack (inclusive of all 4 designs) costs S$4.
Cost of your one meal could be a blessing to our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ who are labouring for the Kingdom of God in Mongolia. Why not be that blessing?
Thank you for your support. =)
Cards are designed by Shu Yi, specially for this fund raising project.
Contact Shu Yi (92763146) for enquiry and purchase of the cards.
More information of the Mongolian Ministry
Fellowship of Christian Students 1 (FCS1), a ministry which belongs to International Fellowship of Evangelical Students, is set up to advance the Kingdom of God in Mongolia.
The goals of FCS1 are to preach the gospel of Christ among University students, to bring people to the Kingdom of God through the influence of graduates and to send out missionaries.
Varsity Christian Fellowship (VCF) has committed to supporting FCS1 in prayer and in monetary pledging.
Monetary Support
All profits raised will be part of the pledging of VCF to support their ministry in the following areas.
1) FCS1 student center (rent, utilities and maintenance.)
2) Ministry (food during fellowship, outreach events, fee subsidies for students at retreat, etc.)
3) Pioneering effort in another Mongolian city, Darkhan.
Prayer Support
1) Mongolian National University
- Pray for the preparation works that has to be done for the movement into FCS1’s new focus school.
2) Staff and students
- Pray that the staff would serve the students well even in the midst of busyness.
- Pray for the training of the 3 new staff.
- Pray for the discipleship of the students.
_____________________Monday, December 04, 2006__________________
Heard about the Typhoon Durian? Lets continue praying for Philippines this week.
-The mudslide had swept away entire villages, leaving behind a black desert of death and destruction
-Villages around Mount Mayon, an active volcano about 320km South of Maila, were engulfed on Thursday when driving rain and winds of up to 225Kmh dislodged tonnes of mud and boulders from the slope
-Thousands of survivors crammed in to schools and churches as disaster agencies called for fresh water, food and medicine
(Find out more about the current situation through the news... )
Lets pray that
- God to console the hearts of those who have lost their loved ones through the disaster
- The missionaries there, that they will have wisdom in such a situation
- The living survivors will come to know the Christian's Christ, under this situation ( we won't know what miracles God can do =) )