_____________________Saturday, September 30, 2006__________________
What then does stepping out of the boat mean to you? What is that boat which you desire to step out? How does it feel when you realise that Jesus has called you to walk on the water? Would you trust and believe? Would you take that step of faith and inch yourself nearer to your beloved saviour? Faith, Shu YiStepping out of the Boat. Walking on Water.
The Power of Faith - Moving beyond an intellectual Faith, progressing toward to an experiential Faith.
When we trust God and believe in Jesus, we would experience the power of our Faith in Christ.
When Jesus called out to the disciples, "Take courage! It is I", they know and understand Jesus as a kind of intellectual faith.
Peter responded to Jesus' call. He obeyed Jesus and got out of the boat. Peter believed in Jesus that he could walk on water because Jesus has called him to do so. Peter took his first few steps and he remained above the water. This is the power of faith - the ability to walk on water. Peter's intellectual knowledge of Jesus had been transformed into an experiential faith when he took that step of faith out of the boat and onto the water.
In addition, his experiential faith is further enhanced after he met the wind. When Peter feared and his faith wavered with the disturbance of the wind, he began to sink and cried out to Jesus for help. Jesus did not abandon him. He stretched out His hands to save him. Jesus proved to be faithful to Peter and adhere to His promises even when Peter was in the midst of a crisis.
Indeed, Jesus has shown His goodness and faithfulness to Peter. The disciples witnessed His power. "Truly you are the Son of God."
When we first know Jesus, we usually have a simplistic understanding of who Jesus is. He forms in our minds an image of a man of great character who is perfect and righteous. It remains as a kind of intellectual knowledge.
Like Peter, when we take a step further to move nearer to Jesus and know Him as a closer friend, we would experience His reality beyond what we could imagine of him in our minds. Our intellectual faith has now transformed into an experiential faith. Experiential faith convicts our hearts and imprints an indelible memory in our minds. All of a sudden, the words of God become more alive than never before. This is the power of faith - the power of experiencing the reality of our Lord Jesus Christ when one believes and obeys Him.
Hence, Brothers and Sisters in Christ, let us take that step of Faith and proceed beyond our intellectual faith so that we could experience the reality of Jesus. Let our intellectual faith and understanding of Jesus be transformed to an experiential faith of intimacy with Jesus.
Pray for Malaysia
i guess many of our fellowship-mates from Malaysia went home during the holidays. hope u guys enjoyed ur stay back home. as for this week, why don't we just bow our heads down together and pray for Malaysia? sounds good? (^^,)
Literacy rate: 84%
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Official Language: Bahasa Melayu
Other Languages:
-137 in total
-15 Biblical Translations
-9 with NT
major religions:
-Muslim (58%)
-Buddhist/Chinese (21.6%)
-Christian (9.2%)
*The constitutional guarantee of religious freedom is cast aside and pressure is continually applied to convert to Islam.
Spiritual focus points:
- Kek Lok Si Temple (Penang) -- Key Buddhist temple, site of religious ceremonies
-Shah Alam Mosque (Selangor) -- Largest Mosque in the world
-Serpent Temple (Penang) -- Sacred temple where snakes are worshipped
-Islamic Center (Kuala Lumpur) -- Key government institution propagating Islam
Prayer points:
- Evangelism is strictly prohibited, many Christians have been imprisoned on such charges. Pray for the doors to be open to evangelism and for hearts open to receive
-The Islamic activists of Malaysia have devised discriminatory laws and activists extremism is on the rise. Pray for freedom and protection
-Animism and ancestor worship continue to flourish in Sarawak and Sabah; Pray for God's power and light to be known in these regions
Let's spend this week praying for this piece of land where many of our CG-mates come from. Amen!
_____________________Friday, September 29, 2006__________________
Eusoff & Temasek Christian Fellowship Gathering
Thursday, 28 September 2006 @ Michelle's House.
Thank you Michelle & Mrs Lee for your warmth and hospitality! Love ya yummy dinner. What's Fei-lowship without food? =)
_____________________Sunday, September 24, 2006__________________
dear ECFers...
i've heard that some of u can't download the form. please let me know ur name by tonight (24/9/06), so that i can submit ur names as well. thanks! =)
This is a picture of a bright yellow smiley amist the blue frowning ones..and behind is a picture of Eusoff taken on Rag Day.
Let us strive to be the light and salt in Eusoff.
Let us be the smiley among the frowns.
Let us brighten and influence the rest of Eusoff.
One day.. We'll come as one community to praise our Father in Heaven!
We shall stand out and be different because our God is exclusive! ;)
_____________________Thursday, September 21, 2006__________________
As we know that Thailand is now undergoing some changes in their society, lets put our hearts together and pray for this land:
(A little testimony)
"Lek, born in the heart of Buddhism in central Thailand was very keen to make merit in order that he could be a "righteous man". He found himself sitting in the temple praying, thinking, and pondering. During his late teenage years he recognized a yearning in his heart to know the One who made the creation around him. The trees, flowers, even people couldn't all just come from nowhere.
As he sat before the giant image in the temple he gradually began to pray to the "Creator God," yet he still referred to God as Buddha.
Over a period of about one year he experienced a converstion as explained in Romans 1: 20.
-"For since creation of the world God's invisible qualities-- His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse"-
One day he received some literature about Jesus, and he read the Scriptures his heart burned within him. This was the same one he had been communication with in the temple and who had changed his life!
Lek's life changed even more dramatically as he left the temple, and found a group of Christians to worship with, He had met the living God in his pursuit to know Him, even in the Buddhist world.
God works in wonderful ways in converting people in a land where the gospel seems harder to reach. we pray that God will also use this opportunity for more Thais to reflect upon life, and be drawn to God. Amen.
Some information about Thailand:
Location: Southeast Asia
Leaders: King Phumiphon Adunyadet
Prime Minister: currently Thaksin Chinnawat (but they may be getting a new one on 2 weeks' time)
Population: 61,399,249
Literacy rate: 94%
Government: Constitutional monarchy
Official language: Thai, English
Other languages: -75 in total
-15 with Bible translations
-9 NT
Major religion: -Buddhists (92.3%)
-Muslim (5.2%)
-Christian (1.6%)
-Chinese (0.4%)
"Although foreign religions are protected under the monarchy, Thailand is possibly the most Buddhist country in the world"
lets pray for this land...God works through prayers! Amen!
-Adapted from "A prayer guide for the Buddhist world"-
praise the Lord for Christians in Eusoff. the heart for evangelism is seen through ur enthusiastic response towards the evangelism event coming up in the last week of October. =)
We have asked several Eusoffians and the idea if stain glass painting (acrylic painting) seems to be fine. Some of you have brought out the idea of shoe painting or slippers painting. we will look into the cost and other miscellaneous detail for that. thanks.
For those of you who have a burden to help out in this event, please drop me a note here, or kindly look for me k?
(1) Publicity---> Tingyu
(2) Marketing---> ? (this person has to help out in getting materials... but don't worry, we'll discuss with you what to get and so on...)
(3) Logistic---> Melissa
They aren't the only ones helping out in their various roles, coz they need help too. so please contact me if u want to help. thanks.
We hope to get some materials and start painting them for testing as well as publicity, done by next week. As we know that next week is our recess week. i know that many of us may be away from school. For those of u who are available, please be here on wed night, 27 sept 9pm to to help out. please let me know by leaving comments behind, so that i can gauge the no. of people that will turn up. thanks.
that's all for the event as for now. thanks. =)
in His grace,
_____________________Wednesday, September 20, 2006__________________
Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:2-3 To "fix" our eyes on Jesus literally means to be fervent in prayer, to meditate His promises constantly and to depend wholly on the Spirit to live out a victorious life in Christ. This is a tall order, considering that we are constantly weakened by the plentiful distractions around us. But it is not unachievable. Many of my Christian friends, even those who have already graduated, tell me that joining VCF or CCC during their tertiary education days have helped them in their walk in Christ immensely. Some of them, I dare say half of them, tell me that without the support from their fellow brothers and sisters on campus, they would have backslided from the faith. I cannot help but concur. Now, I'm not saying that we can all forsake going to Church and just concentrate on the ministry on campus. But it is easy to be a "Sunday Christian" and that explains why many Christians start to backslide when they stay in hall. It is not that we don't love God anymore, but we just don't bother to follow Jesus, given that there are so many other seemingly more important things to do. In a time when changes are the only thing that is constant -- plunging into new friendships, signing up for too many activities in hall, stepping into the unknown realms of romantic relationships, trying to figure out the tertiary education system and maintain enough discipline to attend lectures and tutorials -- in dealing with all these tumultuous changes, it is easy to go about in own way using all methods but God's methods. We are weak and we are ashamed to admit it. (I'll confess, when things get tough, QT is the first to go to make way for other stuff.) You may not realise it yet, but it is this fabric of the fellowship that we have with Christians in hall that will help us to continue to be accountable to Christ in all that we do. By the saving grace of God, we have taken the first step by joining Eusoff Christian Fellowship. Our next step is to attend CG on Mondays, Sunset Prayer on Tuesdays, Prayer Meetings once a week, Fellowship Teaching once a month... it may seem too much but these activities help (or would I say, force) us to keep in constant contact with God throughout the week, culminating in greater thanksgiving and praise on Sundays. It is then that we can truly start to fix our eyes upon Jesus in everything that we do. When God sets standards in the bible, you can be sure that He is faithful to help us achieve it. I would like to challenge you to one more thing -- Morning Prayer&Worship. It's downright early (for us Eusoffians, at least) but it is more important to start the day right with God. I can't believe it myself (ask Michelle) but if I have done it for the past 2 days, so can you. And I feel good too. There's something about lifting up praises to God early in the morning TOGETHER with your friends that miraculously brightens your day and lessens your burden. The half-hour session is also the perfect time to pray as a group regarding God's work in Eusoff. Let our singing and rejoicing be heard in the heavens and in Eusoff. Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another --and all the more as you see the day approaching. Hebrews 10:23-25 In His love, Mel.
_____________________Tuesday, September 19, 2006__________________
Conviction, Count the Cost, Carry the Cross.
Being a Christian Student, not a Student Christian.
What is the conviction? (V3-5)
How many of us will go out with nothing but clothes in our bag to preach the gospel?
Do you have the conviction to believe that our God will provide?
Being convicted of the Word is beyond an intellectual discourse of the bible. It falls short of the application of the Word. To be convicted of the Word, one has to learn to apply the teachings of the written Word in our lives and be transformed by the living Word.
2) Count the Cost of Following Christ. Count the Cost of Discipleship. [V22-V23]
(Luke 14:25-35)
Death of Christ: Son of Man must suffer and die.
Death of ourselves: Denying ourselves, giving up our own sinful desires to pursue after God's desire and will.
It may be at the expense of our time for school work, relationship with friends, family, grades, play time...etc.
A Christian student on campus has various commitments, such as VCF programme, church ministry and family relationships, to juggle with. When we juggle with so many varied commitments on our palette, we would usually struggle with following Jesus and spending time with Him in the midst of the hectic schedule as a student. To follow Jesus and count the cost of discipleship, we have to make priorities and choices. Ultimately, we are called to primarily worship and Follow Him. Things that are apart from Christ's agenda in our lives have to be prioritized so that we would not compromise on our time with Christ and short change Him in the process. The cost of discipleship is high. We proclaim to be Christians which means we also recognize that the cost of following Jesus is high. So why pay the price???
---- Because we know that Jesus worth all the while---- heart, soul, mind and strength.
3) Carrying the cross [V24 - 27]
The cross has been a symbol of suffering of Christ. It's similar to putting convicts today on an electric chair. Do we carry our cross today for the sake of what Christ has done on it for us? And carrying it means we live for the sake of Christ. The cross was the price Jesus paid to purchase our lives. Are we living up to what Jesus has used to bought us for eternity? Do we live for an eternal value or just for the temporal?
Is our identity in Jesus Christ? What is our self worth? Is our self-worth determined by our grades in school, the amount of salary that we are earning or even the friends we have? These are some success markers in our world today. Those we have met the mark are usually deemed to be more successful. However, all of these are temporal. They would cease to exist one day. We ought to have an eternal perspective.
Our self-worth should instead be defined in Christ. We are worth nothing to begin with. But, when our identity is forged in Christ, we are worth everything. We are worth so much that Jesus died for us.
If we are convicted, we can strive to obey and become Christ-like. We have to crucify ourselves daily and learn to our carry our crosses. Hence, we have to deny ourselves, our ambitions, our time... The cost is indeed great.
The world we live in focuses on survival of the fittest. Indirectly, it encourages one to be self-centered, ambitious and result-oriented. Being a Christian student, however, has a conflicting perspective. We emphasize the importance of living holy and righteous lives for God. We could become revolutionary because when we live Godly lives, we are empowered and could change the campus and the world in the process.
We are not just university students.
We are FULL TIME Christians, PART TIME students! :)
_____________________Sunday, September 17, 2006__________________
John 12:24-26 James 4:4 1 Peter 2:9
Living in the world, but not of the world.
I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. The man who loves his life will lose it, while the man who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life. Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. My Father will honor the one who serves me.
You adulterous people, don't you know that friendship with the world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy.
But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.
We are His chosen people. We are called to serve Him and follow Him. God reminded us that we are to live holy lives that are pleasing to Him. He warned us against from becoming friends of the world because we would become His enemies and lose our lives eternally.
Here is a timely reminder for all of us in this new semester and academic year, especially for the freshmen who have just begun staying in hall. Hall culture is unique in itself. As much as we are excited and would like to engage in the hall activities and culture, we have to be aware of some of the habits and lifestyle that are directly contradictory to Jesus' teachings. We would come to discover that we are constantly moving against the tides. For the freshmen who have just begun your journey of discovering a new life in hall, it is wise to make a stand and be grounded in Jesus, so that you would not be easily swept by the conflicting hall cultural tides.
Hence, be grounded in Jesus. Be equipped to move against the tidal waves.
Be a witness for Christ in Eusoff Hall. Onward BASIC!
Faith, Shu Yi
BASIC: Brothers & Sisters in Christ
Image from www.gettyimages.com